Friday 26 November 2010

Storyboard and Animatic

Before we start going in and shooting straight away we have drawn out the whole of our storyboard. This means, when it comes to shooting we will know which shots we need to do where as we are using quite a lot of different places. This also gives us the advantage to be able to get enough footage and makes it easier to put it in order in the editing stages.

For the beginning of the storyboard we wanted to create establishing shots of where the video would be taking place. I feel that this gives a clearer idea for the viewer of which type of locations will be shown throughout the rest of the music video.

This shows the story that Ellie Goulding has woken up and found herself in the woods. This is done by using a blur when zooming into her eyes, this is one transition used. We are then introduced to the dancers for this video.

We then see more of Ellie Goulding moving from one location to the other. This makes the viewer quite unsure as to whether she is still asleep or this is just the type of music video being created. Using a graphic match to get from one location to the other is one aspect we wanted to introduce into the video.

Here we have the use of a guitar which is just found on the beach, this is something which adds to the sense of whether it is a dream or not. This introduces Ellie Goulding's musical talents apart from the obvious singing.

This ends up with her on the Pier where she puts the guitar back down. We then have a shot of her spinning around which moves into the next shot. In the editing stages I think that this should be speeded up or blurred to add to this dreamy affect.

Here we have a shot of Ellie Goulding doing a particular movement, which is then matched with the dancers doing the same movement. This is introducing the dancers again, these shots will be taken by me as I will be in the others as I am playing the part of Ellie Goulding. This means that my camera skills are shown throughout.

The next area will be shot in a graveyard, this will be me singing as it is quite common for music videos in the pop genre to have the artist singing. The types of shots for this page vary from long shot to close up. This shows variety.

Again we will be using different ways to move from one shot to the next making it look as professional as possible. This can also be helped in the editing stages.

These shots are at the beach and then at the park, this is linking the music video together nicely as they are used at the beginning of the video. This can also show that she is on her way home.

When shown a house this is a question for the audience as to where she is and what is going on. This leaves the audience wondering. This then cuts to the couple at the beginning being together instead of apart, unlike the beginning shots. This shows that all of this video was a dream and she has somehow found him. I think that because the first shots and last shots are of them in the bed rounds of the video nicely and makes it more of a story.

I feel that this storyboard will help me and my group when making our music video as we can plan what shots need to be done when and what props we will need. This makes it a lot easier for us to follow and means that our music video wont just be made up in some parts to fill the gaps. This has given us the advantage to get on with our music video as soon as possible giving us more time to edit and even reshoot if we have to.

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